El mundo de los mapas: Nuevo paradigma en la formaci??n en SIG via @geoinquiets

Education is in a huge disruptive time. Generation Y, the native digital scholars do need diferent ways for learning. Access to knowledge is becoming more easy through the net and the traditional teaching process must change to follow up the new disruptive digital environment.
GIS training is in a similar disruptive time. Maps, GPS, check-in and location apps are becoming natural part of end-users. As Dr. Armando Guevara says : “success of technology is when it is not seen”.
The challenge for people coming from the cartographic world will be how to convert such complex and sofisticated GIS technology, based on deep cartographic knowledge, to develop value added applications and services for end users.
When I built my home some years ago I asked to the architect why the name was ‘H Arquitectes’, why the ‘H’ in front of the name. The answer was amazing : “the ‘H’ is a letter that is there but you do not perceive (never pronounced in Spanish and Catalan) So, our architecture is designed and created in a way that you perceive the beauty but do not realize is there” http://harquitectes.com/
I believe that principle must also be applied to technology when delivered to end -users : must be there but not perceived.
Just do it for all GIS and new cartographic and location world.
This is the challenge.